Dirt Bike Track Upgrade

Hello to day I will be talking about my dirt bike track after the remake I made some upgrades on it and added one more jump made some jumps bigger.

I started started with adding more dirt to my whoops due to them wearing down due to me driving on them a lot I just added a quarter bucket to each whoop because I made them two feet wider then I packed with the Quad I also made my two table tops a bit wider I just added four buckets to one side of the jump.

My double I pulled it back with the tractor bucket about three feet added to buckets to make it wider a taller I did the same thing with with the land jump but instead of making it taller I made it longer.


My single was just boring so I added two buckets to make it bigger and one bucket for the land pad. The big double was so time consuming it took like seven buckets to make the the jump pad and like ten buckets for the land pad then jumped it didn’t make it and the brought the jump pad closer like 5 feet.

That’s the end of my blog hope you enjoyed.